Art & Haiku - Exhibition & Publication

Proudly present the exhibition "Seasons" with 12 art works of Jiro Inagaki with my Haiku for each month. Brining Japanese nature into Dutch office in 2016.
A law firm in Amsterdam Zuid, a newly renovated office with beautiful straight lines with black steel and glasses, a minimalistic Dutch design welcomed this warm natural touch and soften the office atmosphere.
Jiro' Inagaki's art works have brought the touch of nature into the office and soften the working environment with earthy natural handcrafted paper collage.
Proudly present the exhibition "The Seasons" with 12 art works of Jiro Inagaki with my Haiku for each month. Brining Japanese nature into Dutch office.
A law firm in Amsterdam Zuid, a newly renovated office with beautiful straight lines with black steel and glasses, a minimalistic Dutch design welcomed this warm natural touch and soften the office atmosphere.
Jiro' Inagaki's art works have brought the touch of nature into the office and soften the working environment with earthy natural handcrafted paper collage.
Seasons - Art & Haiku
As a curator to Jiro Art Foundation, Amsterdam, I promote the art works and life of late Jiro Inagaki (1933-2008), the master of Japanese paper, kimono designer, beloved artist who cherished the nature in Kyushu island, shared his techniques with his fellow Dutch artists and left his great legacy in the Netherlands.
His works are exhibited at my gallery in Bussum. Some of his art works were already purchased by my clients, private and institutional art collectors.
Over the summer, I have created a selection of 12 pieces as a collection. One for every month. In a traditional Japanese room with "Tokono ma", we change the art according to the season and occasion, as we change the flower..
Jiro was much inspired by the nature and it is in my Japanese DNA to feel the poetry of the nature and live according to the season.
Exhibition will be for three months and all the art works are for sale.